Monday, September 23, 2024

The Age of AI

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Why People Should Learn About it -  UCF Business Incubation Program - University of Central Florida

    AI has gradually become more advanced as time goes on. In class, we watched a documentary called "In the Age of AI" where many different topics including AI in businesses, privacy, surveillance, ethical concerns, competition, medicine, and so much more were discussed. 

    One of the most intriguing and important things I learned was how AI was used to help treat cancer and detect it. AI can go through large amounts of data and know peoples personal health records. AI can come together and gather information that doctors or other scans may not see with the cancer. It helps doctors analyze the cancer and even detect it before huge signs occur. AI has the ability to assist during surges of patients with cancer because AI could point out mistakes humans are making or not seeing. 

    What is frightening about AI is that has become smarter than humans, taking on roles that humans first had. AI is taking over jobs and employment, making human employment not easy. AI is smarter, so why have humans? The question is very scary to think about. For example AI is taking over jobs like customer service representative, car and truck driver, computer programmer, research analyst, graphic designer, and so much more.

    AI has its pro and cons. Some pros I noticed were data security and capabilities, fraud protection, but some cons include mass surveillance, lack of consent, data vulnerability and so much more. I think that overall the AI documentary showed how it can bring great benefits to this generation and to come, but also we have to keep an eye out with AI and the challenges that come our way.


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The Age of AI

    AI has gradually become more advanced as time goes on. In class, we watched a documentary called "In the Age of AI" where many...